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type of stories that we get this time of year, like this one on Saunders, Trayvon's glasses might actually change something.
Contacts suck with astigmatism. I'm glad Trayvon got a partial big-league check and could afford to invest in some spectacles - it actually might make a difference.
He has power, and a good swing from both sides of the plate, and significant speed.  He has a noodle arm (or at least bad throwing mechanics), but that's not the worst thing.  Trayvon's a good prospect with multiple WAR potential in CF with one glaring issue: contact.
He doesn't have to shave off a lot of Ks to up his potential dramatically, but that's not all.  More contact makes him incredibly interesting.
LL had a great piece on him a couple of weeks ago.  From that piece:
Robinson didn't chase a whole lot up high. He didn't chase a whole lot to either side. Then you look down. Robinson chased down low. He chased down low and whiffed almost every time...
And, of course, there are the misses within the zone. It's not impossible to succeed as a hitter with Robinson's 2011 in-zone contact rate. Mark Reynolds, for example, posted a lower in-zone contact rate. But Trayvon Robinson doesn't have Mark Reynolds' power. Robinson's power potential is real but limited, only increasing his need to make more contact.

When you have a guy who has a good EYE for pitches in the zone and a swing with batspeed that can cover all parts but is just unable to make the contact he should be making (one of the worst in the league at it)...
And then you tell me, "Oh yeah, his vision was warped, so we gave him a better correction for it..." My expectations for him go through the roof.
I was always amazed that Gar could hit like he did with the eye problems he had.  There are no exercises for astigmatism, though - with a properly ground corrective lens maybe Trayvon can fix his one major deficiency as a player and turn into the player that everyone believed he had the capability to be.
Who needs Wells in CF again?  Looking forward to seeing Guti and Trayvon in Spring Training. 

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