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Lonnie of MC's picture

... with a lot of pitchers is what "Type" catagory they fall into.  For instance, Erasmo Ramirez is a borderline EXTREME groundball pitcher.  I'm not capitalizing EXTREME just to get everyone's attention.  I'm capitalizing it because it is EXTREMELY true.
Last year with Tacoma Erasmo had his worse stats w/r/t groundball versus flyballs, and that was still a very nice 1.06:1.  With Jackson, in 110 odd innings Erasmo induced 1.86 groundballs for each flyball.  That is staggering, and it wasn't even his best.  That happened during his last year in the VSL when he went 11-1 with a 0.51 ERA.  That year his groundball to flyball ratio was 3.51:1...

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