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That was after seeing him live, at altitude where his breaking ball didn't break and he just threw fastballs that got hammered.
And I was still impressed.  I probably saw his worst start of the year.
Key takeaways:
- 90-95 MPH 4-seamer with control.
- I like the deception he should get in theory, though it didn't show up in practice that night.
- He has a changeup and should have used it more.  He's stubborn and would benefit from a better gameplan from his battery mate.
- Give the man a 2-seamer, or better a split-finger / fork (though as a short man he may not have long enough fingers for it).
- He has the personality of a successful pitcher, just needs the experience and a better understanding of how to use his weapons.  In the heavy NW air, getting break on his offspeed stuff shouldn't be a problem.
IIRC he was the youngest starter in the PCL - and might be again this year, at least until Taijuan gets there.  There's nothing wrong with Erasmo - he would just benefit from a bit more guile and a better understanding of what to do with his FB now that's it's improved from bad to fine.  He's still wet behind the ears.  I expect him to settle in nicely this year and be a very handy #4-5 starter in the near future.
But he'd better find that putaway offspeed pitch you mention, Doc.  His changeup was grood before his FB velo increase, and then it became less useful.  Hopefully he can find that sweet spot again in the difference between the two.

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