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I'm one of Seager's biggest fans.  I think his actual power and the value of his doubles are extremely underappreciated amongst the current blog group consciousness.
That said -- I think Figgins leading off makes sense (as a 'starting point') based on the very simple reality that Seattle has no one in the entire organization with a better profile for actually being a legit leadoff hitter.
Ichiro has never been a patient - let's look at 5 pitches before we swing leadoff guy.  The notion of moving Ackley to leadoff has always (in my mind) been completely off the rails.  Ackley has been a high RBI guy, who has the ability to do whatever the situation calls for -- fairly screaming for 3rd in the lineup in the long run.
IMO, Ackley leading off would make as much sense as batting Smoak 2nd and asking him to bunt routinely.  It would go utterly and completely against the long-term development of Ackley the player - and be detrimental to the team both long and short term.
Figgins is the only guy in the org that is "clearly" a leadoff hitter - if he is doing what he did all those years before arriving in Seattle. 
There is also the not small chance that the club has grander plans for Seager and would prefer to send him down to AAA for a spell to work on something.  (Nah -- that can't be it.  It's not like (Carp) they've ever taken a mega-patient (Carp) prospect and sent him back to AAA to retool (Carp) his swing and turn him into a legit slugger).
If Figgins looks anything like normal in ST, then it wouldn't surprise me to see Seager in Tacoma and Liddi in the majors.  Maybe they want to tweak his swing.  Maybe they want to let him play SS full-time.  Maybe I'm whistling in the wind.  But, the main point here is that there are 1,000 variations on why they might "posture" that Figgins is default for leading off that are not a simple veteran entitlement perk - OR that they are completely writing off Seager.
Me?  I said I'll believe Ichiro isn't leading off when I see it.  That's still a month away.  I'll believe Figgins is leading off when I see it.  I get that absent actual games jumping at every peep from the org is what feeds hot stove time.  But I don't think Langerhans had lots of takers in the "who will be in the opening day lineup" last February.  Even if ST is not a "try out", there are certainly possibilities that events that occur between now and opening day will render today's speculation moot.

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