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Go to BASEBALL, eighth inning, at 1:17:20, in the chapter Yaz, and you'll get video and commentary on Gibson. The controlled, athletic fury/violence of his delivery was something to behold. What is not shown in the program is the pace he maintained. In another thread I discussed a game with Gibson vs. Spahn that took 2:24. What I remember in particular was that Spahn was his usual methodical self (I saw him pitch dozens of times as a kid), playing with the rosin bag, varying his pace, trying to break the batter's concentration. (It was, of course, he who said "hitting is timing, pitching is disrupting that timing") In the bottom half, Gibson was simply relentless, at one point yelling at a hitter to "get in there and let's go" and my grandfather saying to me, "and if he doesn't he's getting decked". I don't believe there was 15 seconds between pitches. If there was a way to get a tape of that game (it was the first year Braves games were televised, but I believe it was only road games - maybe StL TV has a tape) I would guess that the game split 2/3-1/3 as far as time at bat. The thing I remember to this day, almost 50 years later, was the pace he set. Amazing.

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