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He's astonishing.
Shelby Miller.
I'd consider Bauer, but then we all know I have a huge crush on Bauer.
If you made me dump Hultzen or Paxton, though, I'd keep Paxton.  I view Paxton and Walker as equivalent pitchers.
Paxton has EXTREME upside, as much as anyone in the game.  And yet I've still heard people this offseason talking about "well, at least he can be a good reliever if this starting thing doesn't work out."  Are people afraid of his low-minors walks or something?
The same people who talked about Paxton's command must have hated Clayton Kershaw's.  Paxton will not be throwing a ball into a teacup - that's not his game.  His pitches will be in the zone at some point, moving through fast and at weird angles.  IMO he's gonna be really hard to hit - again, like Kershaw - and I look forward to 4 WAR chunks from James shortly.
Like I said:  there are some pitchers I would take over Paxton. 
But there aren't any I think outclass him.  He's top-shelf ridiculousness, and I'm thrilled to have him.

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