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The talent on this team is approaching silly. Really? The #3, #11 and #13 prospects, all hitters (Montero, Ackley and Smoak in their highest rating) on the same team? Ackley the 80 hit, Montero the 80 power, Smoak with 70 of each, and that doesn't even touch on the supporting cast of Carp (who was the only comfortable hitter in the 4-hole last year) or a 200 lb Guti who could be half of his 2009 self and be worth 2.7 WAR or Wells who slugged 500+ before being hit in the face, etc, etc, etc.
Which is why I looveeee the fact that almost without fail every national/3rd party blogger writing of the M's lineup this year (usually in the vein of "too bad Montero is joining the M's lineup) scoffs and moves on. [They blew in 2010 + they blew in 2011]  = [they'll blow in 2012 because I don't have the time to take an in depth look that would actually show me that they'll at the very least be a league average offense with the chance for more].
Nothing groundbreaking here, I'm just excited and I finally don't think I have to apologize for it.

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