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ghost's picture

Some of the best world champions in the history of this sport had a depth of mediocre platers to back up their handful of stud-muffins.  That is the 2012 Mariners if indeed we get a bounceback from F-Gutz and Figgins.  Gutierrez last year would directly cream a ball right in the center of the barrel with a nice 35 degree angle and the ball would land about 100 feet short of the wall.  If he's able to hit home runs, even in Arizona, that's a really good sign.  And Figgins had his best years hitting for contact when he was literally trying to walk in every at bat.  Which he seems to again be doing.  Sometimes trying not to hit the ball is the best way to hit the ball.
The pitching will be there...let's see if we can find a line-up out of this depth of mediocrity.

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