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Be a really effective leadoff man, as I said in my article regarding him.  The only thing he has to do is get on base, and if he can get his walk rate up to his career 10% and bat about .250, then it won't matter if he doesn't hit a single home run.  In 1991, the Braves added Otis Nixon to the roster, who's career batting line to that point was .228/.302/.277.  He had two skills, walking (9.5% BB rate to that point) and stealing bases (192 SB with a 75% success rate, 78% over the previous 3 years.  He was 32 in '91 and over the next 3 years he would bat 1st for the Braves in 309 games.  During his tenure with the Braves, when he was on base, he would score runs 45% of the time compared to a league average of 30% while batting .286/.356/.329.
I don't particularly like Chone Figgins the player, and I don't like the attitude that comes off in his interviews.  But his ability to score runs when on base in front of a decent offense is as good as anyone in the game.

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