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A few years ago Curtis Granderson was asked if he'd change his approach if he was moved down in the lineup. His response was that it didn't matter where he batted, what's important is the specific situtation when he goes up to the plate. That's the right mind set because thinking "I'm batting 3rd so I have to hit for power" is a sure way to mess up your game. Ichiro echoed this view when he was asked about his changing lineup spot which was good to hear.
Figgins is very different. When he moved to the second spot, he felt he had to be more aggressive swinging the bat because he thought his role was now to move the runner over as opposed to getting on base. That really hurt him because he wasn't playing his game but trying to fit a mold. Using him at leadoff has seemed to get him back to his optimal approach.
I don't like him and he doesn't have much upside at his age, but Chone could very well be a decent hitter this year. And if he provides good defense then he could be a league average player which is all we really need if the other guys produce.

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