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Paxton with a couple of strikeouts and a triple to Seager.
Walker with a trio of groundouts and a single to Ichiro.
Hultzen with a couple of strikeouts and back to back singles to Luis Rodriguez and Adam Moore.
* * *
Wedge was on KIRO last night and was asked about the rotation after Felix and Vargas.
First pitcher he mentioned was Noesi.  Then listed off Iwakuma and Millwood.  He followed next with some talk about Beavin and mentions of Furbush and I think he said Ramirez.  Finally acknowledged Paxton, Walker, and Hultzen, although none by name.  Said something along the lines of, "Then of course we have the three kids, but they will all need some time before they are ready."  I got the vibe that we will see at least a couple of them this year, but not right away.
Nothing shocking, I suppose, but gives a glimpse of where his head is currently at.
Also said he was really rooting for Millwood to make the team and what a great mentor he is, but that he would have to earn his way on.  Millwood chose to come to the Mariners because of Wedge and Carol.

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