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Somebody who can really take advantage of Vinnie's glove down there.

Typical, Doc. Thought you could slip one by us, drop an unexpected and pregnant line at the end that only the truly attentive would notice.
I only got to watch the first hour of the game. It's more important to spend time with my wife watching something we both like, and the only time we have during the week is 7:30 to 9:30 in the evening. But what I did see, the biggest thing I wanted to see, was Catricala's play at third base. First impression: he's no Mike Schmidt, Adrian Beltre or Brooks Robinson, but he looked as if he had the raw athletic tools to become a decent third baseman. He acquitted himself OK last night, although on his first chance he took a bit too long after fielding a grounder to set himself and initiate a potential 5-4-3 double play. But the baserunner was a fast guy, and he's probably not the only third baseman in MLB who would have let the opportunity slip away.
I take it you thought he looked OK too.

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