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Boogaholic's picture

Ryan's superiority at SS was well explained in this article. The only thing I would add is that the reason you don't see the diving flashy plays is because of how deep Ryan fields his position. There is no SS in MLB that plays at Ryan's depth. BR can play this deep because he is very good at coming in and attacking the balls that are hit softly but moreover his release at various arm slots is quicker than any other SS in the league.  Playing at his depth allows him to get to more balls in the hole and his quick release coupled with his plus arm translate into more outs and defensive runs saved. As a consequence to him fielding at his depth however, you will not see him dive after balls as much because if he can't field the ball on his feet, he cannot make the out. These same balls go right past other SS's for hits and nobody bats an eye. Ryan could play in a few steps and make all the diving stops just like A Cabrera who is a below average defender and appear on Sportscenter every night but instead plays back and exploits his best tools (release, arm, range) and plays the best defense in baseball all while flying below the radar.

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