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I don't think NPB managers accept pitchers who can't hit their spots with offspeed stuff, do they?  And they are willing to sacrifice velocity to achieve that.  John Halama and Jorge Campillo would be welcomed onto NPB staffs.
And without a doubt, there must be communication gaps - MLB catchers could probably do a better job of helping out pitchers like Iwakuma.
Like you say, though, if it's my team I make a few calls and see what I can do to get Iwakuma-san onto his next team.  The M's have a LOT of pitchers fighting for that spot, and they need to be fair to those pitchers, too.
If Iwakuma rises out of the ashes like a Pheonix, I'll issue an engraved apology.  'cause if it's my team, he's cut.
Now, Kawasaki, that's another subject :- )

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