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Hovers on the horizon.
Cesar Jimenez is still around as a lefty option.  You know he struck out 10 guys per with a changeup outta the pen last year, right?  Injuries derailed his path and he walks a few guys, but he’s an option.
Charlie Furbush has a problem with hits, not Ks or accuracy.  If a pen relegation helps him cut the hits down he’ll be plenty helpful.
Forrest Snow can be a decent reliever right now, and his stuff is still improving.
Chance Ruffin is destined for a late-innings role at some point with that arm of his.  He’ll be a help.
Stephen Pryor has one of the uglier motions around.  His stuff is still terrific.
Brian Moran has to prove the first half of last year was the fluke and not the second half.  Once he does that, look out world.
I’m not really worried about 2013 pen arms, the same way I’m not worried about our 2013 rotation.  But the placeholders need to do a better job so we don’t have to rush the vintage we’re currently ripening on the farm.
Even though I really want to rush it, from an excitement standpoint…
Which is why Erasmo is in the pen, I have to assume: partly to provide an immediate stopgap should Millwood or Beavan waver, and partly to ensure that our pen doesn't implode in April while we get the moving parts in order.
If the pen really does struggle I do wonder if they'd move Noesi back to it and call up one of our crazy-good starting prospects, though.  The pitcher shuffle will likely be the key to this season.  The offense will be mostly the same.  Sometimes Chone, sometimes not, but for the most part?  The healthy lineup should be a consistent one.
It's the arms that are gonna have to find their seats in this game of musical chairs - quickly - if we plan to enjoy a competitive season.

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