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You get tired of "discussing" open-and-shut cases like Paxton, Ackley, Vasquez and even Carlos Peguero is an open-and-shut case, as far as what we all think he needs to do.
It's in the "unsolvable" cases that the richest analysis will enter in.
Having heard you guys out on Andrew Carraway, I do see that his on-field results have been considerably more special than I thought at first take.
I'm still left with wondering how he intends to finish off major league MOTO hitters, and *gingerly* file him as a Ken Cloude type until that's answered.  But put him a "watch" list?  No doubts there.
Carraway is, of course, on the M's own watch list.  Starting pitcher at Jackson is a premium org slot.
Thanks for the reality check amigos.  That's a major reason we do SSI, to hear the "hold on there Mr. Jemanji" and get the maintenance dude in to replace darkened light bulbs.

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