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I just think of Carraway in a John Lieber sort of way. Lieber's fastball was pretty laughable...until you stepped in the box against him.
Still, Lieber had a legit mega-weapon in his slider and he REALLY knew how to pitch. It's not like Carraway has a pitch like that.
Yet. He reworked his slider in college to great effect and his curveball/slider combo create different breaking arcs while staying in the zone. He's a tinkerer and a refiner, and guys like that are always a threat to jump a plateau (or maintain their plateau at higher levels).
He's got some time yet to prove the worth of his skillset and sharpen the tools in his toolbox even further. Keeping his hits low and his control up should buy him that time, even if it's just time to turn into Bronson Arroyo (my mid-projection for a successful Carraway future). No shame in having that career AT ALL, and it's completely possible.  Arroyo too would be considered to have a pretty monstrous slider, though - you listening Andy?  Keep improving your slider to kill righties with and you can pitch a long time in this league.
Interestingly, John Sickels has Carraway on his watch list. I agree that he's worth watching.  Control pitchers that land in AA with nary a hiccup should make you perk up a bit.  It does happen, but failure of that type is far more likely than success, which means success should be noted.
And I can't wait to see Pitch F/X on Carraway like we did for Erasmo this year so we can all see what and where he's throwing.  Until then it's all my guess vs. yours - just the way it is for most mid-tier prospects.

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