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The original looks at single seasons, minor league journeymen, who are the guys who tend to have little problem posting 4.0 CMD ratios based on craftsmansship.
For a kid to do it on the way up, that may well be an entirely different template.  Good stuff G.
Probably one of the things that would put Carraway in a different basket would be that he COULD go on to develop a forkball, or whatever, whereas a Sweeney or Wooten has pretty much shown that he's not going to.
If you were to go through and look for 7.0, 1.5 templates from young kids coming up ... it dawns that such a result *would* be quite rare.
That probably WAS a flaw in my pattern recog, that in thinking about 7.0, 1.5 pitchers, my mind was cluttered with journeymen.
That's why we call it a think tank :- ) ... you can't stop G-Money, you can only hope to contain him...
San-man, could be your point has legs.  Would be interested in a better look at kids doing these things their first times into a league.

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