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I don't mean to be short, but your summary of my position is incorrect. He's running a hot LD% and is not getting his hits on it. You seem to be arguing that this implies that Ichiro has no skill for getting hits on line drives? His stats are not a replay of 2011 he had the lowest line drive rate of his career, the lowest K/BB of his career, the highest swinging strike rate of his career, the highest out of zone swing percentage of his career and yes...the lowest BABIP of his career. This year...the BABIP is the same but only because of bad luck. If he gets the normal BABIP on each of line drives, he would have three extra hits and be clicking along with a net BABIP of .333. The rest of the numbers I listed from 2011 are no longer the case in 2012.'s not the same Ichiro.
You seem to think that my position is that Ichiro's .295 from last year was unlucky...neither Doc nor I said that. Our position is that Ichiro's .295 BABIP THIS year is unlucky...last year, when he wasn't hitting line drives, his BABIP was about right. This year...he IS hitting the ball hard so we should expect a different outcome. The lack of a different outcome should tell you that your small-sample BABIP number is the problem...not Ichiro's approach.

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