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Thanks Doc,
And you're exactly right. Stress an pressure bring you back to your old swing habits. It's a tough thing to do, to change years of acquired bad swing mojo.
It has looked to me like Saunders always reverts to the guy who thinks there's a short RF porch that belongs to him. I've become pretty worried about him lately. He just doesn't look like the guy we saw in ST. Your pictures say much. He just doesn't look like a guy who can regularly hit MLB chuckers.
Carp has his 3 Tacoma games in, he's about ready. Saunders is certainly in the mix of the guy to go, because Z won't release Figgins.
Saunders may well be on his way down. Could be Liddi, I suppose.
I don't know aobut 60 oz. bats and bungee cords, but I do know that Saunders is much more dangerous when he looks like he's trying to hit everything over the head of the SS.
Figgins, Saunders, Olivo.....They can't hit.

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