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It's been 11 games and we've faced the #1-2 pitchers of our opponents 8 of those 11 games, with a series against the 2-time defending AL champs in there. There's a 15,000 mile trip in the middle of all that.
It's hard to read to much into Ichiro's OPS at this point - I just want to see his approach. So far, it'll do.
In fact, Doc, if you get a sec, I'd love to see a breakdown of our lineup's approach at the plate. Feel free to give grades. ;-) The only guy I see exceeding what I expected from him approach-wise is Seager. Montero is just putting bat to ball while Smoak is giving his ball-driving legs under him. Olivo's looked atrocious, as has Ryan (though thank you for that HR, Brendan). Saunders has forgotten what he looked like 3 weeks ago, and somebody needs to remind him before it's too late. His mind at the plate still seems locked in, but his body can't do what he wants. Maybe that demotion to get his swing right when Carp comes back will help. Figgins and Wells to CF?
I guess Figgins LOOKS better at the plate. More comfortable. It's not helping him much, but he's not a black ball of depression up there.
Our offense is in the basement again in the early going, partly due to this bizarre Tokyo-inspired scheduling. I don't expect to stay there - guys will start swinging better.
I still wish we would have added a thumper to the MOTO who wasn't a rookie or second-year man, but the kids will find their footing. Too much talent not to.
The non-Ichiro vets need to sit some, though - certainly in pinch-hitting circumstances. Why HAVE a viable bench for the first time in ages if you refuse to let the benchies get to the plate?

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