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Quibble-Meister D would react by saying that Doug Fister is a unique physical pitcher, a sttrrrrraaaaaaange intersection of height x grace.   And it results in a fastball that is uniquely long, moving and deceptive.  Also his feel for offspeed, and his command, are way out there at like 5th sigma.
Asking a lot for Beavan to do that, so IMHO it's kind of like saying that Hector Noesi has Felix Hernandez' pitches, which Noesi does.  But right Dr., if we're speaking loosely then yeah.  "Sneaky fastball command pitcher with guile who comes out of nowhere to run a 110 ERA+" ...
13 out of 18 quality starts to begin his career, wow.  And Doug Fister's first season wasn't star quality; he needed some time to leap plateaus.

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