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Possible relievers on 40-man, not on 25-man:
Chance Ruffin - will be back, scuffled a bit in AAA in an outing.
Yoervis Medina - in AA, not ready in any sense.
Erasmo Ramirez - in AAA, being used as a starter for some reason.
Shawn Kelley - arm's been in the shop more than a 1984 Yugo. Pitching well so far.
Most monstrous relief arms in the minors currently:
Carter Capps - ridonkulous
Stephen Pryor - see: Carter Capps
Jonathan Arias - unhittable FB/slider with a walk problem, 7:1 control in A+
Tyler Burgoon - former closer in college, future pen staple in bigs, in A+ now
Dead weight on 40-man:
Johermyn Chavez, OF (A+ numbers didn't make it to AA)
Carlos Triunfel, SS/2B (In what universe does he play for us? What's his trade value?)
Mauricio Robles (he's rehabbing from major arm surgery, no one's gonna take him)
Hisashi Iwakuma (hey, if we're not gonna use him...)
George Sherrill ("inflamed flexor bundle" is often "UCL injury in disguise")
Yoervis Medina (he has decent pitches, but he can't PITCH)
Chone Figgins (but seriously...)
We can find a way to add Pryor and Capps to the 40-man. If we decide not to do that at the moment, Ruffin and Kelley are sitting in AAA waiting to come back. Ruffin just got roughed up a little (not entirely his fault) and Kelley looked verrrry mushy in the Spring, but they are options.
We can't run with a 2-man bullpen in any game that we have a lead in. We hope to have lots of leads this year, right?
Wilhelmsen can't pitch a hundred innings, and if you even want to entertain trading League if we're out of it in June (what could you get from the Giants for a closer, say, RIGHT NOW?) then you can't just run poor Tom out there for 2-innings saves all the time. We need a far more robust pen and we need it soon, to give ourselves options whether we win or lose.

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