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Erasmo can't be coming in from the pen, cold, and hoping to help us escape a jam. Let him make his own jam from the beginning, or pitch his own smooth-sailing game.
I want to see Erasmo competing as a part of the Starting Five. I think Noesi makes a better bullpenner, but for what we gave up in the package that included him I don't think we'll be bullpenning his for a while yet. Which creates another problem.
Beavan's not giving up his spot, and Noesi will likely hang on to his longer. That leaves Millwood or Vargas to be moved in order to give Erasmo a slot, or a change of scenery to Tacoma until such a thing can happen.
A few more outings like that and Millwood won't be around to give us veteran advice any more. Until and unless that happens, though, we're in a strange spot in the pen: two long relievers, Erasmo and Iwakuma, neither of whom we either will or should use in long relief.
Our pen is becoming a tangled mess quickly. Better sort it out. Loved what Furbush did, though. His breaking ball was practically malicious. Glad to see him back in the bigs - I think he'll be a good pen piece moving forward.

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