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Sandy's warning about the frazz-out for one inning looks prophetic.  However, we do also point to Millwood's location the entire game
Somewhere in the midst of my original tome on Millwood, I did note that the first thing to go with age is "consistency" and it would become increasingly difficult to determine whether he had truly "lost it" or was just taking his "typical" inning off.  Based on descriptions, Kevin never had it Tuesday night.
I loved the way that Millwood mann'ed up after the ballgame and just said he was dung from pitch one.  Managed to trick them for a few innings, but ....
And this is why I classify Millwood completely different from Weaver.  Ultimately, Millwood IS a scrapper.  He doesn't simply surrender or give up or quit.  Even throwing dung, he hung on for three innings.  Chances are better than even, he's much, much sharper next start.
In the end, my original take on Millwood is that for a low-scoring offense, (which obviously wasn't the case last night), he'd end up with a decent ERA and a horrible record.  While the results were unfortunate, the best-case scenario I see for this season is Millwood strings together 5 or 6 good starts in a row, and then the Ms dangle him to an actual contender with back of the rotation problems.
I suspect most everyone understands that Millwood is #1 on the hit parade once the farm arms are deemed ready for prime time.  What prevents Z from converting Millwood into another chip to throw into the farm pot is a few more nights like this.  Personally, I don't expect this will happen that often.  I think Kevin simply had "one of those nights".  It happens.  Next outing he'll likely be fine.

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