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comes into play, Sandy. I have over the last few years become an Ichiro apostate, questioning his game and his value, especially compared to his contract. I also was publicly skeptical of what we would get out of Ichiro this season. So I'm not saying what I say below as a fanboy.
Ichiro is hitting the snot out of the ball, consistently making hard contact. His hitting reminds me more of his early years. And I'll bet if we had HittingFx available we would see that even his ground balls are hit much harder this year than in recent years.
WIll he keep it up? I'm making no predictions, that's not what I do. I know you fervently believe that eyes on sometimes skews a person's judgment, and by far the most reliable judge is statistical. I understand that. But I think in this case it is the lack of eyes on that is skewing your judgment.
As always, I respect your work and your point of view.

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