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All kinds of ridiculous talent, inconsistent, bigger rangy guy in CF (though not as big and rangy as Saunders). Saunders is our Colby Rasmus. Colby had more power early, but I don't think anybody's saying Saunders doesn't have serious power now that he's grown into his frame as an adult.
But Cammy didn't put it all together till his mid-20s and that's where Saunders is at. It can take a while for those 5-tool players to get the hang of em all. Saunders has 4 tools, not 5, but he was all raw talent and it looks like he's almost a Real Ballplayer (tm) now. He's gotta get a lot of time regardless of when Guti comes back.
If he's hitting like this in June don't even mention Guti's name to me.

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