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Since Mike was 6'2, 210. Saunders is just a Mike Cameron who is better suited to Safeco. If Safeco hadn't crushed Cammie's abilities at the plate (.703 OPS in the Safe) Mike could have been my center fielder forever. I still loved him even though he was horribly suited for our home park. His road numbers and defense gave him value.
If Cammy had been a lefty he'd have been a minor deity in Seattle for a decade. Saunders has a shot to play center for us for a long while if he can keep his focus like it is. Guti's a RH with health concerns, who has never shown the power that Saunders has, and Mike can run out there to cover a lot of ground like Guti does.
The Saunders I saw in Spring Training was a great encouragement to me this season, and he's continuing to be that. Lovin' it.

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