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not to praise him.
But articles like this:
... are purely and utterly dismissive, it's not critique. Someday they may get that distinction, maybe not. Not to mention the fact that it's clearly factually inaccurate: Blake Beavan is most definitely a major league starting pitcher - he um.. starts for the Mariners who are in the major leagues... did I miss something... ohhhhh.... hyperbole.. yeah.
After a couple of pretty poor outings it's logical to me that BOTH Noesi and Beavan need some time in AAA. After all, Ramirez is stretched out and Hultzen's got nothing left to learn in AA. However after 2010, 2011 and April of 2012 it was pretty clear to me that Saunders wasn't gonna be very good. Ooops.
But what bugs me about the 'logic' used in the linked is that it precludes the next Cliff Lee. It precludes the next Roy Halladay (seriously, check out Roy's k/9 in his year 22 and 23 seasons). Heck it precludes the next Doug Fister and Jason Vargas. Ugh. Completely dismissing any 23 year old big league starter... I'm just glad they don't run the front office.
What I hate (yes, actually hate) is those who root for the failure of others in order to vindicate their predictions... blah... we gave up six runs yesterday to a hot team, we gave up six today... pitchforks!
- Ben.

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