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are not problems solved, and I don't see why Noesi has to solve this one in the bigs. He's not getting any better at containing damage. He's bringing his own gas can to the mound and stuffing a flaming rag in it whenever a guy steps on base.
I like him, and think he's got a good big-league future ahead of him, but he needs to work on this and we don't have to lose games or hair watching him do it. Any time now, once the Ms judge we're safely past Super Two (130-140ish days, so middle of May to first week or so of June), then Hultzen can be "coincidentally" promoted. I believe Hultzen starts tomorrow and the Mariners have an off day on Thursday, so he could start Friday instead of Noesi - at home - on normal rest on the 8th, almost guaranteed to be out of the Super Two danger zone. We'll see, right? Glad we won this one anyway.
And hey, with as many cockamamie ideas as I come up with, I have to be right sometime, you'd hope. Otherwise I'd really have to apologize (more) for all this rambling I do. We'll see if the Ms agree with me shortly on the solution, regardless of whether they agree on the problem.

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