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I have begun to notice a wonderful stillness, just before he launches, in Saunder's bat. He still whips it around, albeit less than he used to, as he waits for the pitch. but just as he begins his move at the ball, he loads the bat (it points forward, creating leverage) and then it gets momentarily, but absolutely, still. It becomes quiet for just a fraction of a second, and then he turns.
Watch for it. Look for the quiet. The bat is still, the world slows down, and he is now beginning each swing with the bat in nearly the same place. Were he a golfer, we would say he has found repeatability. And, were he a golfer, we would say he is beginning to own his swing.
The opposite-field (left-center) rocket he launched the other day was something he didn't have before. He had so much loopy movement that he had to start early to catch up to the ball. Imagine Miller Barber (for you old golf fans) tyring to square a pitch. He would have to start early. Two years ago I thought that move was capable of .250 and 20 dead-pull taters. Last year I thought he was done. Done done.
His repertoire has now expanded.
Watch Bubba Watson swing the golf club. Lots of movement and then the moment of quiet.
Saunders now has pitch recognition abilites.....or time to do so.....that he's never had. the junk in the dirt isn't killing him. It will be fun to see how pitchers attack him now.
And as for entitlements, have you really missed Guti in center this year? Has Saunders' glove been that much less that Guti's?
3 years ago he was a dang good player. But he isn't entitled to very much right now.
Over the last two years he's had 400+ MLB/AAA PA's. He hit exactly one homer.
If he's our 4th OF, I'm good with it. Make him our version of Craig Gentry in Texas.
But he doesn't eat into Saunder's playing time.
And I still roll Carp out each and every day.
And so it goes.

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