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Focus is a funny thing guys. Regardless if much of our lineup is young, these guys are star athletes who have been playing in big games most of their lives. Hey, they learned focus a long time ago. They wouldn't be at this level if they didn't.
What Wedge (or any manager) can do is get them to buy into the role they're to play (perhaps that is a type of focus), then get them into the right role and pull the right levers.
Kyle Seager has been delivering in pressure situations his entire life, I'm willing to bet. It's part of his DNA: Talent and the ability to find the quiet when all about him is raucous noise. Wedge didn't teach him that.
These guys are playing at the highest level of their sport. A little sports psychology from the manager is great, but mostly these guys are self-motivated.
I have no clue if Earl Weaver "focused" Bobby Grich or Mike Cuellar or Andy Etchebarren. Did Lasorda "focus" Cey and Lopes? I don't know. I do know Weaver and Lasorda pulled the right levers a whole bunch.
Gimme that in my manager, and the focus will come.
From a player's perspective, having Wedge make a bunch of good calls last night probably increases buy-in.
It was a very good night for the M's and especially for Wedge. Here's to him keeping it up.

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