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bsr's picture

That's a great point. I think you're right that professional athletes' POTENTIAL level of focus is self-driven. Manager's job is more to not screw that potential up, put players in the right roles.
Ultimately I think managers keep guys focused by running a meritocracy where PT is based on who everyone knows should be playing (the players always know of course). I think in the big picture Wedge has been solid - most of the seemingly unmeritocratic decisions like Figgy in April were not his call and I'm sure the guys knew the deal. And he's been willing to increase or decrease roles when it's deserved (eg demoting #1 trade chip League). But in-game, it does seem that he's often not good at making the moves to get the right guys in the right situations as the game evolves. No doubt that is a negative for team focus if it happens frequently.

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