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benihana's picture

The next pennant ain't this year right?
Least that's what management told us. So if dragging a placeholder out buys us the opportunity to keep a young nucleus together - where's the harm?
If the M's roll a yahtzee on the youngins and Ackley, Seager, Montero, Smoak and more all turn out to be stars - how in the world do we find the payroll to keep them together? Add in the young arms - all at the same time? Egads. I see visions of a dozen not quite A-Rod's leaving for greener pastures.
Here's what I think - I think that Z recognizes that young bats need 1000 ABs to gel and that stud young pitchers don't. And I think he's lining those two things up so they hit at the same time.
I'm fine wit dat.
- Ben.

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