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Yes, Millwood had great results in 2005 and 2009 ... (and '99 and '02 if you want to go back farther).
Where I'm coming from with Millwood isn't based solely on stats. I got to watch his streaks and slumps first hand for 5+ seasons, (since i got to watch him go up against the Braves after he moved to Philly).
When I say he cannot keep "this" up all year ... I am talking about how good he has been in May and June. Millwood has an OPS against in May of .580 ... and .533 in June. THAT is unsustainable. He simply isn't that "talented".
But, since you brought up 2009 ... Millwood's OPS against that year was .750. Currently it is .655.
IMO, a reasonable assessment of Millwood is that he is capable of reproducing his career line *despite* the fact he's 37 instead of 27. That's to be applauded. He's got a lot of talent. But what does a 1.0/2.8/.6.9 pitcher slashline say about a pitcher? It says he's a plus pitcher. Not quite an ace ... but a solid pitcher for almost any staff.
But, then again, Millwood hasn't managed a 6.9 K/9 since 2004 ... when he was 29. Even with Safeco helping, his HR rate at the moment is more lucky than good.
As the air heats up ... the AL rebooks him ... and his mechanics fail him a few weeks from now ... it won't feel so great. Oh ... given the #1 defense in the AL, I think he could put together a solid 3.90 over the full year. But, the guy everyone hated a month ago is the same pitcher loved today.
I've watched Millwood pitch like Tom Seaver for a month and like Dr. Jason Seaver the next. When I factor together the reality of the tenuous hold Millwood has always had on his mechanics ... coupled with the very real limitations of age ... yes, I believe the odds of him continuing to do what he's done over the last six weeks for the next 15 is about 2%.

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