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If he keeps throwing like he is. Appel will be back in the draft since he turned down the Pirates and their 3.8 mill offer (which was basically all they could offer without penalties and loss of picks).
I think RHP Whitson will be on our radar since we like to go back to the well, and he's a Florida guy. We've gone with Virginia and NC for multiple picks, in multiple years, so I could see scouting and drafting Zunino also serving as early scouting on Whitson.
HS catchers are high on the list of prospects, but I assume we're out of the catcher market for the moment. But Colin Moran could go high, especially with a bit of pop in the bat at 3rd, and we drafted his brother. So another back-to-the-well possibility.
Nobody really lights my fire yet, but we should get another good player.
At some point all these good players are gonna actually get us out of the basement, right?

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