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But the original premise was whether you would trade Ackley + Paxton for Gordon? Or Ackley + Paxton + Guti for Gordon +?
I'm not ruling out that Ackley doesn't become a 35 double guy next year. If so, he's a 50 x-base hit guy, and that's the magic number.
But, is he the safe bet that Gordon is?
As I think about it more, we may be more likely to do a Franklin/Paxton type trade, rather than trade away our one proven MLB 2B (Unless Seager is a 2B).
So, if you're the Royals, would you sell Gordon and his $44M contract for all those years of Franklin and Paxton.
I think I would do that, were I KC, who isn't winning next year, anyway.
I would be really close to doing it were I Z, too.

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