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Some trades are awful from the moment they're made, just bad process... witness the Choo, Cabrera, Morrow and Jones deals. Those four for Cliff Lee would be one such trade; I'd immediately ridicule it. If I were Z, Amaro called me up and offered that, I'd laugh with incredulity. Likewise, if I were the Marlins' GM and got offered that package for Stanton, I'm hanging up instantly. Prospects are valuable, but they're risky as all get out, both in terms of injury and in terms of major league performance, and thus not as valuable as young major leaguers.
You're right, we don't know how GMs think. Any trade might happen... even something as insane as Cliff Lee for Philippe Aumont, Tyson Gillies and Juan Ramirez. That doesn't necessarily mean, though, that we can't point out when their decision-making process seems badly flawed once a deal has been made.

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