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First of all, there's no way Ackley is worth anything close to a guy like Gordon after this year. Regardless of how likely Ackley is going to bounce back, until he actually does, he's not worth a 6 WAR player. Second of all, the assumption Gordon has upside is just guessing. Yeah, he might figure out a way to keep his 45-50 doubles and add 20 HRs, but I'm not going to bet on it. Without that "upside" we're talking about a 10% BB%, 20% K%, .160-170 ISO hitter with inconsistent BABIP. Isn't that basically Ackley?
As for 2B, there's no log jam until they're MLB ready. Who says Franklin can't stick at SS? That's what they said about Machado, Ackley, that's what they always say. Until Z says it, I won't believe it. And anyway, they're not MLB ready so it doesn't matter yet. Franklin's struggles in AAA tanked his value, I can't see any team picking Franklin and his 23% K% in AAA over numerous other prospects in a trade situation. Romero has value, but it's not enough to get something significant. You'd have to package Franklin + Paxton, and even then you're not getting anything better than a border-line all-star OFer with 2 years left. Hunter Pence cost the Phillies #35 and #50. Your not getting Justin Upton and his 4 years for #35 and #50. You want to maximize value, get Paxton to pitch 170 IP in the Majors at 4 WAR, then you'll gather interest. But then the question is what are you doing trading a cheap 4 WAR pitcher.
And that's where you hit the snag, what are you doing trying to target 28 year olds right now? 5/9 positions last year posted under 1 WAR; 3/9 positions posted 2-3. Only Seager posted more than 3. SP2-5 gave you 4 WAR. This team had basically zero production in 9/14 spots in the starting line-up. This team isn't in position to trade for older guys with young talent because they need that young talent. Who says Franklin can't play SS, Jeter's doing it in his late 30s. Or Romero can't learn LF. There's a lot of ways this can play out, pre-maturely getting rid of them for MLB talent to help a 75 win team reach the playoffs...that's pretty much everything Z is against. Unless an amazing opportunity presents itself, nothing huge is going to happen this off-season.

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