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The day after the 9/21 game with "that throw" I posted this on Lookout Landing.
"I wasn’t impressed with his glove that much, but hoo-boy he does have an arm. I was thinking “screw SS, his glove isn’t good enough. His bat isn’t going to get him the job. Put him on the mound, teach him a changeup/palmball, and see what happens.” That throw from the hole? Most SS’s have an arc on that throw to get it to first. Not that one. I don’t know if Smoak was being facetious during the post-game interview, but he said he had to tighten up the laces on his glove between innings." End self-quote
Ryan is a plus-plus-plus defender. Yes, he has a minus bat. But we just need one... more... hit... per week from him to see his average go from .200 to .250. Do you take .250 with Ryan's glove? You betcha. Triunfel might get you the .250 but not the glove. His footwork isn't that great and he takes plays off.
Now, Ryan isn't getting any younger. I know that. But Triunfel's been in the organization for 8 years now. He's had plenty of opportunity. Yes, I know about the broken leg costing him all of one year and part of another. But at this point I think his biggest value to the Mariners is as part of a trade package to an organization that thinks they can cure his mental errors.

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