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He makes the team next year, either in the Kawasaki roll or something bigger. Lock it in.
I'm not quite sure where I chase down the number that shows how many GB's he actually made a play on, compared to Ryan. But Triunfel averaged 2.73 assists per SS game in Tacoma. Ryan averaged 2.87 in Seattle. That's 1 more assist every 7 games. That's 20 base hits denied in Ryan's favor over his 140 games. (I know this is unweildy stuff, but you get the idea).
IF that is a fair figure, then a question to ask would be whether 140 games of Triunfel's bat adds 20 bases. Let's make it 30 bases, just to be fair. Well, Ryan is a machine at "whacking" out 19 doubles, 3 triples and 3 HR's per year. His last three years have been 19-3-2, 19-3-3, 19-3-3. Triunfel gives every indication that he's a 40+ extra-base guy. 15 extra XB hits is at least 30 bases.
You get the idea.
The Magic Beane established that you can just load up with precocious youth and get to the promised land. It's a new paradigm.
So, what would you get in return for a Guti, Ryan, Paxton trawl?
Z probably won't move Ryan out, but with one year to go, wouldn't you be tempted to say, "Here you go kid. Glove 'em up and give me 30+ doubles. The rest is pure gravy!"
Food for thought.

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