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I have a cousin who is severely dyslexic. He's very intelligent and quite successfully runs a small business. I remember about 5 years of his life being absolute misery getting through school. He lived in a small town school district without the understanding of dyslexia or the resources to help him. He had to fight through all the labels and names the uninformed teachers hung on him. I won't list them but it wasn't pretty. If his mom wasn't Superwoman I don't know what would have become of him.
The net affect this all had on him, at least from my point of view, was to put a huge chip on his shoulder. He's highly driven but also has a stubborn and rebellious streak in him, to the point of being self destructive at times. I think having authority figures call him stupid for a big chunk of his life makes him instinctively trust his gut over what someone "in the know" might tell him.

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