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like I said, I doubt it goes that cleanly. But it's a foreseeable possibility.
I may be overexcited or even overvaluing the chances this year. I think there will be much closer to star performances out of a few of the guys this year though. This is a way better offense than any point in the last 3 years for sure. I think it will be looked back at as best since 2003. The pressure aspect and the addition of 2 slugging contact guys in the middle added to simply players having more experience is a good recipe. How many guys are 26 here? if there's a magic year for putting it together or having a breakout year, I think that's it. I'm very optimistic and I could be wrong. But there are quite a few reasons to be.
The free agent comment was, yeah, at least a bit overstated. I meant it as a "i'm taking my nintendo and going home" joking pout. Certainly I'd like to see the team pick up an Ellsbury or whoever to improve the roster. A part of it is also that Jack was able to add via trade when the free agents went elsewhere. Top Free Agents aren't required to build a roster or acquire a piece you need. There sure is a lot of Free Agent money available for next year especially if the W//L record significantly improves this year

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