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Wishhiker: "(Jack's) genius is already justified in the quantity of talent."
True ONLY IF you believe that assembling young talent yet to achieve it's potential is the equivalent of actually reaching it's potential, or IF you are so enamored with minor league baseball (a legitimate interest, I concede) that it's assembly is sufficient in and of itself.
"Free agents? So what if they don't want to sign? There's no room for them anyway."
Well, lets not get ahead of ourselves. When we have yet to see even one of Jack's young players actually break out big, it seems a tad premature to foresee being able to say to our division competitors, "Pujols? Hamilton? We don't need no stinkin' superstars!," and back it up, especially when they have trumped us also (so far) in the development of young, accomplished stars.

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