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not actually going to go full bore 25 man prediction. Just Positions possibly filled by young MLB players by then.
Any questions on pitching at all? the bullpen is already nearly filled by younguns alone. So on to the positions.
Catcher. Triple check, or so
1b. possibly the 2nd most likely spot to need infusion, but Smoak could be producing here as could Montero possibly.
2nd. around 6 possibilities? Looks pretty covered.
3rd. I like Seager just fine. maybe could improve. Not much behind him except for the full infield + of other 2nd basemen that can't all play there.
SS. Probably covered between Franklin and Miller, with other options probably further away than 2015 but good none the less.
LF/RF Saunders and a 2nd base convert, not much else in house though a few maybes like Jones and Peguero. Wouldn't mind everybody.s favorite target, Stanton
CF. Most likely spot to need something from outside, though I've heard good things about Landry here and other places and there are some maybes here too.
So there aren't many spots that aren't likely filled just by in house guys. But new cream keeps rising to the top and we may quickly run out of places to put them. 2nd base is kind of funny now, but we could add the bullpen to that list this year, the rotation next year, how many positions backloaded in 2 years? The only thing to do will be trading 4 for 1 or veteran to restock. Free agents? So what if they don't want to sign? There's no room for them anyway.
I doubt it goes that cleanly, but it's approaching that foreseeably.

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