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The charts are courtesy of Brooks Baseball and the two look very similar.
So Scherzer and Erasmo seem like a decent match.  From their arsenal and attack to their windups and motions. The big difference to me is the perceived fastball velo.  Scherzer perhaps has a little more zip on his and will probably prove to be a greater strikeout weapon than Erasmo's.
Before going on his 2012 strikeout binge,  '11 Scherzer was 8 k/9, 2.5 bb/9, and gopheritis of 1.34 hr/9. With his plus command and baseball IQ, perhaps Ramirez can be Scherzer-lite without the full-blown gopheritis.
Brooks also listed Iwakuma first on the list of pitchers they found to be most similar to Erasmo.  Would you trade Felix/Iwakuma/Erasmo for Verlander/Fister/Scherzer?  ;-)

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