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We have seen how these bad calls have cost the Mariners at least one win this year, plus major factors in two other losses... and we are not one-tenth into the season.
Six plus strikes a game is HUGE. All those extra pitches to make up, the bad counts where the pitcher is at a major disadvantage, as well as the extra base runners... these calls are AT LEAST worth 5 to 8 losses to the Mariners a year. If the Mariners are aware of this poor framing, and still chose to send out Olivo, Montero, Jojima and the rest... heads should roll. I doubt this simplistic answer is the case.
Moreover, IF the catchers with the skill of framing pitches were that important, those guys would be extremely valuable... and making a ton of money.
Further, if framing was that important, Roger Hansen would be spending much more hours at Spring training and between games teaching these guys how to catch a ball
versus the multiple hours you see and read about these guys blocking pitches in the dirt.
Lastly, the UMPIRES are supposed to be professionals. PROFESSIONALS! - meaning that they can do the basics. If something as relatively simple as framing can throw off a regular umpire, it is the OBLIGATION of the professionals to get better over time... and I think we can all agree that the umpires of today certainly appear to be worse than those of just 5 years ago, and seem to get worse as the season goes on. Therefore, if framing is really the answer to this discrepancy, then MLB must do something... and it sounds like umpires are out-dated.

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