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We used to have a saying, back in the days prior to Super 2 and club control: Youth must be served. I heard Z defending his regime last night on Softy's show. He bragged about all the great talent we had "in the upper minors." This separated us from the other clubs, whose top 100 prospects were in the "low minors". Well, hooray, Jack: you are bringing fans into the ballparks of Jackson and Tacoma.
Well, you either have your cake, or you eat it. Getting time to eat it.
Mitch replayed the clip this morning and asked for 10 M fans to call and say whether they were buying Z's defense of his regime or not. Frankly, the aren't. Jack said everyone knows it takes "5-7 years" to build a ball club with a strong foundation. A couple skeptical callers seemed to recall there was a time when, according to Jack, it took 3-5 years, or 2-4 years.
Through my untiring efforts, my family was at one time all M fans - now only I and my eldest of 6 children remain. My wife, and most of my children (youngest a HS Junior) can't name a single M except for Felix. Even the dog growls when the M's are on TV (ok, that was a joke). Fact is, Z is going to have to prove his mettle now. He HAS to start making the right calls. The days of trading away the Morrows and Fisters and signing the Figginses are over.
For a GM, these next couple weeks are time to produce a few "hard rbi's"
Great comment, G-man!

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