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I went back and read my initial entry into the sliders thread. Perhaps it was too blunt, and I can see if it comes across as attacking or accusatory. I now understand that if I want people to debate/discuss things with me, I should be a little more cordial, feel each other out before the gloves come off. When I mentioned that people like Dave see the world in a statistical black/white kind of way, I didn't mention, but I'm sure you've since picked up on, that I'm kinda from that same family.
I notice a lot of the posters on here have an optimistic take and hope for the Mariners. Not all, but most. I guess this is where the disconnect begins with me. The Mariners are the only favorite team I've ever had, and it all started like many others my age because of Griffey. But where I pull for the Mariners, I also like to look at them through neutral eyes when analyzing them, like the fangraphs way of looking at it. That's probably why I come off the way I do, because in my real life, as well as online, I am a blunt, rational yet open minded person. I believe in facts first and beliefs second. I just thought I should give a little background so you can see I'm not attempting to just come on here and start fights with all of the regulars.
My only goal for that initial post in the sliders thread was to press you to see if maybe you disagreed with Cameron's take on the Maurer issue at least partly because of your history with him. I wasn't trying to start a war or disrupt the mood of the site. I just felt like there was something else going on, and I felt compelled to ask you about it. You have to understand, I have read this site for maybe 2 years, and I very rarely chime in. So that whole time I was forming opinions on you, moethedog, gordon gross, spec, all those guys without having made them public. So when I do get overflowed with enough conviction to actually post something, it's usually about something that bothers me or that I think isn't genuine. And it comes across a little pointed. I did it when you said that Robert Griffin couldn't carry Wilson's jock strap. I did it when Tebow was a hot topic. And now with the Maurer/Dave thing. So i realize that I can and should change a few things regarding the way I enter a discussion. But I will also say that I'm not going to change the way I analyze problems, or the way I convey that analysis. I firmly believe in being blunt and saying what's on your mind as long as its relevant to the discussion. I realize that you take a different approach. I just hope we can see eye to eye on this.

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