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One reason to bring Nicky up is the M's offense needs a boost -- 3 runs on 8 hits , with no HRs and only 3 XBHs, over the last 18 innings. The season is more than 20% gone. Behold the wonder of the 2013 M's offense:
1) The M's are averaging 3.47 rpg compared to 3.82 rpg in 2012, despite the 2012 team having Olivo and Figlet.
2) The M's are tied for last in run production in the AL, and behind 12 of the 15 NL teams.
3) This despite adding 2 MOTO sluggers in the offseason and adding a MLB veteran bench.
4) This despite moving in the fences at Safeco.
5) This despite having 6 games against Houston, which barely qualifies as a AAA team.
So if the M's aren't punting 2013, then the offensive cavalry better come over the hill soon. Nicky looks to be most ready of the prospects, and he plugs the biggest offensive black hole. What are we saving him for?

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